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Saturday, October 8, 2011

Famous Nepali model Kohinoor Singh becomes an Ani

Kohinoor Singh embarks on a new voyage
By Sampada Malla

"Famous model Kohinoor Singh becomes an Ani"

This news will undoubtedly shock you and you might even suspect about its reality or take it as a pure guff. But this is surprisingly true. I remember meeting Kohinoor Singh exactly a year ago when she was considered as the most happening model in the Nepali modelling scenario. With a picture perfect image of a glamorous and sophisticated Kohinoor (as most models are), I had gazed at the contrary reality with total amazement. She looked as simple as simplicity could be and after couple of interactions, her calmness, her humility and her different vision towards life had astounded me.

This time we meet again with her new identity, "Ani Losang Dolma". Besides her appearance, I do not find much difference in her attitude and aptitude. Yes, she has more composure now and is sedately quiet with an ever smiling face. But that is understood as she has embarked on a spiritual voyage where she desires to receive enlightenment. I am as curious as anyone to know about the transition in her life. I kindly ask her to relief my queries which she agrees instantly. Thankyou Kohinoor Di...

Here are some excerpts of the interview.

You've been a top glamorous model of Nepal. From walking on the ramps to brand endorsing and from portraying characters in music videos to hosting television shows, you've done it all. All of a sudden, why this kind of a sudden transition?
People notice this sudden transition because they have always portrayed me according to my outer looks as a model. They do not know me as a person. For me, there are no changes at all because I have always been like this. Modelling was my profession and now I have left it and am on my own way. It's obvious for people to regard this step of mine as a drastic change but I don't feel any different.

When there is no difference in your opinions and feelings, why do you think was it necessary to bring a change in your attire?
My attire is my discipline. As a school uniform makes a student remember the school's code of conduct and that he should remain inside the school's discipline, my attire helps me remain close- knit with my responsibilities of being good to the society. If I cannot do anything good, I should not do anything bad too.

How do you define the person Kohinoor Singh as?
I am one of all. I am like any simple person with my individual views and opinions. With materialism reigning supreme, we seem to forget that all of us are enriched with similar feelings. The immortal soul inside each of our bodies is same.

During your modelling journey, did the glamour and adulation entice you?
Not at all. For me, modelling was only my job. It never excited me when people admired my beauty because I knew they were only admiring my outer looks and do not know the person inside me. People have a different viewpoint about a model and she has to struggle through lots of negative views as well in a conservative society like ours. This kind of attitudes disheartened me.

How did the thought of becoming an Ani strike you?
During my childhood when I used to stroll in Swayambu, I always noticed a Guruma who meditated often. She was always calm and smiling. We always saw her in the same monk attire, therefore, it was not at all difficult for me to concentrate her picture once I closed my eyes. So this thought always fascinated me.Recently when I visited Swayambu, something happened and the whole day I felt very easy and light. I then realised that now the time has come to feel my soul and to demonstrate the person that I really am. Becoming an Ani is only a phase in my life. I am learning Buddhism. My destiny is to learn and feel the enlightenment through this community.

Please continue....
Right now, I am very happy. I am sure that if I do something, I'll always do good.I would like to visit old age homes. Though I have nothing to offer them, I can sit with them, share their pains and smile with them.

You are so young and in an age where materialistic desire lures,you seem to move away from its charisma. Are you ready to tackle with every obstacles and barriers that you have invited?
Yes. I have taken this decision after brainstorming a lot and now I am ready to cope up with everything, even hunger and thirst. Even now, I don't eat or even tell people that I am hungry until I am given my share of food. I believe that it is desires that give birth to expectations that leads to chaos and havoc. To be peaceful and happy, one needs to be content with whatever one has and I am following this passage.

How has your parents and friends reacted to this decision of yours?
They were initially shocked but later on when they realized that I have opted for a better living, they have helped me in my every step.

What do you want to tell to the youngsters?
People easily get carried away with happiness and sadness which have a short life span. The one that remains immortal is you and your soul. One should learn to accept every aspect of life and that will harvest true happiness.

A writer once wrote, "We, people are so curious to know about the outer world but do we even spend some minutes trying to figure out the person inside us and our inquisitive instinctive feelings?" To know oneself is much harder than to know others. Kohinoor has taken up a journey to realize her inner self whilst slowly breaking the rope of materialistic temptations that surround her. Definately, it is a journey of thorns, especially for a person who has seen the peak of limelight. CyberNepal team hopes that she succeeds in her voyage and becomes an example to one and all. All the best Kohinoor!

from :  http://www.cybersansar.com/misc/interviews/kohinoor.php

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